21. June 2010, 11:45 Uhr

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(cc) 2010 BY-NC scnclr.de

20. June 2010, 18:14 Uhr

1 Kommentar

Wise looking Stinkewanze

(cc) 2010 BY-SA scnclr.de

Becoming obsessed with pixels again.

18. June 2010, 18:14 Uhr

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(cc) 2010 BY-NC scnclr.de

(cc) 2010 BY-NC scnclr.de

If I look at some of my more recent works, it seems, that pop slowly begins to vanish, opening rooms for more and more archaic.

18. June 2010, 18:02 Uhr

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Made on a slow train, in early spring.

(cc) 2010 BY-NC scnclr.de

3. June 2010, 01:57 Uhr

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Cologne Commons Contribution

I am surrounded by C’s. Since several years now, but this is another story. scnclr contributed to the very official flyer/artwork of the second Cologne Commons conference/festival, held in cologne. The artwork itself was done by lovely Jeanette Corneille – we all love this work. The feedback upon the artwork was absolutely positive so far. Maybe the pixels (in the picture marked with a blue circle) made a difference as well? The blue marked pixels are the contribution from scnclr.

Oh well. Nothing more to say. Except: Come to Cologne and visit the party: 10. – 12. 6. 2010. CU there!