Great idea for a modular-pixel system in the realword. Picture by IcoEye, found at Towo’s Soup.
Weekend time, reflection time. Some weeks ago riot (FeD e.V.) send me some interesting link. I was angry, that I didn’t thought about this idea, because I most recently began to work with books, marker pen and ruler. I draw pictures inside the books(pages) and showed them on various events. Will some of my works later on.
The site of IcoEye is recommended. They collect quite interesting ideas of combining pixel with realworlds and are totally nuts about icons.
Great idea for a modular-pixel system in the realword. Picture by IcoEye, found at Towo's Soup.
Weekend time, reflection time. Some weeks ago riot (FeD e.V.) send me some interesting link. I was angry, that I didn't thought about this idea, because I most recently began to work with books, marker pen and ruler. I ...