27. February 2010, 18:36 Uhr

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Lately at the iPhone-SDK…


24. January 2010, 01:00 Uhr

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iPod Touch pixel-works on Twitter


I’ve been experimenting with microcommunities within the last weeks. Also with posting works from iPod directly to mail and web. I decided to continue with this. I share my works at twitter.com/scnclr.

Right at the moment, I use a bunch of different pixel-tools, that are available for iPod Touch / iPhone. Unfortunately only 32×32 is the only one, that is able to post to twitter. But maybe there will be updates on the other editors as well? Let’s wait and see.

28. December 2009, 17:22 Uhr

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Had to put a version of the happymachine up.

28. December 2009, 17:18 Uhr

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Made on PSP in 2006


12. December 2009, 16:02 Uhr

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Book research

Great idea for a modular-pixel system in the realword. Picture by IcoEye, found at Towo’s Soup.

Weekend time, reflection time. Some weeks ago riot (FeD e.V.) send me some interesting link. I was angry, that I didn’t thought about this idea, because I most recently began to work with books, marker pen and ruler. I draw pictures inside the books(pages) and showed them on various events. Will some of my works later on.

The site of IcoEye is recommended. They collect quite interesting ideas of combining pixel with realworlds and are totally nuts about icons.

14. October 2009, 02:24 Uhr

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Will show artworks at Journey in Aachen


I will show some artworks in the form of room-installation on the 17. October 2009 at Plan B in Aachen. There is lot of things going on at this day. At day there is the “Journey to the End of the Night” urban game playing in the streets of Aachen, and also Vienna at the same time. More info at the Journey Aachen website.

At night there will be a heavyweight netlabelparty, where I contribute some “deko” and “visuals”. I hope to provide pictures of this event. More about the party at Journey website and Netaudio-NRW.

10. October 2009, 02:14 Uhr

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The Story of the Llama-Cat


Finally after ages a new illustration!

26. September 2009, 23:05 Uhr

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scnclr-X released!


Hello people. Yes, it took me ages, but I finally released scnclr-X in the wild!

You can play it here on the website, on the Mochi-site, or you can embed it into your own website as well – for free! Just copy and paste this snippet of code to get the game on your site.

The game isn’t wildly distibuted yet, and I am still searching for a sponsor. If you would be interested by sponsoring the game, don’t hesitate to contact me! Write to screen[@]scnclr.de

27. May 2009, 00:35 Uhr

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All new

SCNCLR finally moved over to WordPress… leaving some self-developed rails-code behind. Yes, that are the sad news. The good news are, that within the next weeks a new – the first official – flash-game will be released. HERE you have two screenshots:

Title Screen